Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hospital Pictures!

Okay, so these are tons of pics from the hospital. The top one is the last one taken before we took Brendan home. There are tons more but my husband made me use discretion... even though I vetoed some naked baby pictures too. More to come tomorrow but it's late and Brendan is hungry. Oh, and my favorite is the one with Brent and the pacifier, too cute!


Miriam the Mommy said...

Oh, he's just delicious! He's about the same size as SR was (took me a second to calculate back from kilo!)... too yummy! Jennifer, you look great in the pictures too, just looks like they forgot to use the no-red-eye setting. :)

I can't believe you let so many people come visit you! My hospital was VERY picky about visitor times (like only 3 hours a day the FATHER could come, etc) but then again, we were in there 2 or 3 women per room, so a little privacy was perhaps a good thing..

Anyway, glad you're home now! Enjoy your maternity leave and kiss the baby for me!

Unknown said...

OMGoodness! He's beautiful! What a treasure. Thanks for sharing him with us! I anxiously await more of your precious guy!!