Monday, June 16, 2008

At most 1 more week!

Our appointment went well today. We told the doc that I had been having more cramps/upper uterus pain in the past couple of days. And I am 90% effaced and 1 cm dilated! I can't believe it jumped that much again. So I went from 0% to 50% to 60% to 90%. The other news is that if Brendan decides to stay in just one more week, we are going to induce next Tuesday. And those who know me well enough to know my birthday... that's next Tuesday. Some people would say "aww, that's exciting!" but since I am a middle child and love to get attention when I can, I say "but that's MY birthday!". I told Brent that if our son loves me, he won't want me to be in the pains of labor on my birthday, lol. But I also noted that most of the major dates in my life have occurred on even numbered months, days, and years. Though Brent quickly reminded me that we started dating on an odd month, day, and year. So who knows? What we do know is that I am definitely close to having labor start naturally and that we hope that's what happens but if not... we'll have a baby by next Tuesday (or Wednesday). My guess is that it will happen before next Tuesday honestly. So I'm really glad Mom, Brent, and I worked really hard this past week to get things washed and put away in the baby's room. Now we just need to catch up the rest of the house!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great news! Our Anniversary is April 12, and we did NOT want to share it... so I know how you feel! Keep walking, eating fresh pineapple, riding down bumpy roads, etc!

We're thinking of you!