Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Things are progressing nicely

So yesterday we had another appointment. The doctor said that I am 50% effaced now. Last week I was 0% so I guess the kid is getting impatient, lol. I also got the results of the Strep B test and it was positive. All that means is that I am a carrier and so I'll have to have antibiotics during labor so I don't pass it on to our son. It's no big deal and is actually fairly common.

We asked the doctor to clarify what he had said last week about the due date. He explained the due date to us being like an airport. You are scheduled to land on the due date but you might sit on the runway for a while or circle the airport a few times, etc. But he still thinks the baby is going to come early. He said since he's probably about 7 pounds now that the closer we get to the due date the bigger the numbers are going to get. He said we'll probably talk in a couple of weeks and see what options we have. He did say that obviously the best way to give birth is naturally and that you can deliver an 8 pounder but there are options and we'll just decide what's best for me and the baby at that point.

In the meantime I'm starting to feel a lot more pressure, especially when I stand up after sitting for a while. I finally asked about taking Zantac and the doctor said that was fine. I finally slept through the night last night without having to wake up and eat Tums 1 or 2 times. That's the first time that's happened since around week 27 or so... I honestly can't remember when it was but I know it's been a while!

I just realized that I have yet to put the poor child's name on our blog! It's not like we've been keeping it a secret but it's just not been published anywhere (with the exception of shower invitations). His name is going to be Brendan Daniel. The only story behind the name is that Brendan is a name I read in the Lois Duncan book A Gift of Magic when I was in Junior High and it's stuck with me ever since. I actually discovered when I went looking through the book that it's spelled differently in there but I like it better this way. And Daniel is Brent's middle name. My dad and I both have looked up the meaning of Brendan and we came up with two different things. Dad found that it was derived from the Welsh word meaning "prince". When I looked it up I found that it was Irish and meant "little raven". I just looked it up again and in England it means "sword". I think "prince" is our favorite so far. It fits since he's the first grandchild on both sides of the family and will be spoiled rotten, lol.


Unknown said...

Love the name! I have a couple of comments to make, you're probably tired of me!! With regard to a big baby--Ian was 8 lbs 14 oz and delivered the "natural" way (with a big ol' epidural. ;-) I totally agree with the airport analogy. I sat on the runway for 6 days after the due date! (AHH! I really hope you don't!)

And... hommm... i forget what else, but 50% effaced is good progress! Were you dilated at all? Effacement is the hardest part and you "cant" deliver until you're 100% so... good work mama! keep walking!!!

(((HUGS))) Its getting close!

Unknown said...

If you do get a broken tail bone (which I REALLY hope you don't!) Be very firm that you want a donut to sit on! I never got mine even though my OB ordered it... and I really think It would've helped for the weeks after giving birth. MY tailbone hurt for at least 8 weeks after. (Long after the rest of the hurts went away...) And Again I'll remind you to stick your boppy/nursing pillow into your car along with the car seat. You WILL want it to nurse at the hospital. I wish wish wish I would've had mine at the hospital with me. What else. Oh yah, I was also Group B Strep Positive. It wasn't a big deal at all!

Happy Baking, Jennifer!!