Tuesday, June 10, 2008

1 week left?!

Monday's appointment went well. I am now 60% effaced and a little less than 1 cm dilated. My doc said he thinks I'm only going to carry this baby for another week! Crazy! So I went ahead and decided that I needed a day to organize the baby room and wash and that I needed my wonderful mother to help me. So that's what we're doing tomorrow. I told her and Brent that knowing me, as soon as I get that done (and our bag for the hospital packed) I'll probably relax and then the baby will come, lol. Brent told me I should've made today the organizing/cleaning day so the baby would come tomorrow. Tomorrow is Brent's dad's birthday.

The church shower was wonderful! We got so many presents! I went through all of the clothes that we got from all 4 showers to see how many we had in each size. We definitely have plenty in the 3 month, 6 month, and 3-6 month size. And the majority of what we got were onesies. Which will be good for this summer. I'm also excited cause we have 3 outfits to choose from for Brendan to wear on the 4th of July. Which I guess we can take him to the festivities? We'll probably see how we're all doing first. I'll have to invest in some sunscreen for the babe too, cause since he's our child, he'll be a fried bean if we don't protect him from the sun!

I think that's all for now. So I'm hoping that I continue to get as good a night's sleep each night as last night up until the little bean decides to pop out! We will keep you updated!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Again, here I go being the debbie-downer voice... tee hee. Please, PLEASE don't get discouraged if the beanie baby decides he wants to wait awhile to make his debut. It is ENTIRELY possible that you'll be pregnant for 2 or even 3 more weeks. I know first hand how hard it is to pass your due date when everyone around you (doctors included) keep telling you, "any day now!"

On the sunscreen-front...might i suggest some infant protective clothing from www.coolibar.com, (everything is 50% off right now for kids) and the super duper stroller sun shade from babies r us? http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2302843

Ian's suit is from coolibar and we have the stroller sun shade... like you, we are redders (not tanners) in this house, so we are extremely careful about our sun protection.

Best wishes!! I really hope the next time you post it is to say, "we're headed to the hospital!" (Which, you know, if you have a baby blog, you must post before you leave for the hospital...lol!)