So I haven't decided yet if I'm going to start a babybean2 blog, but probably not since I barely keep up with this one!
But yes, it's true, we are expecting Baby Bean #2 on October 18, 2010. At least I'm fairly certain of that date. I couldn't remember THE date the docs needed to calculate. I had it written down and forgot to look before my appt on Friday. But has the same calculator they use and October 18 is what it came up with. So we're kinda hoping this baby decides to come early so we can have a 10/10/10 baby! I just hope the baby isn't 10 lbs 10 ozs, ouch! Wouldn't that be crazy though? Whichever kids is born at 10:10 (am or pm) is gonna be famous too.
At first I really wasn't thinking "this is a boy" or "this is a girl", I was just thinking, I feel different from last time. In the last day or so though I've started thinking boy. Last time I knew from the beginning. I won't reveal any potential names yet, even though Brent has told all of our Houston area friends exactly what the boy's name will be. Lol. We've actually talked about some girl names. And one that I really liked won't really work with Halon as a middle name and Bean as a last name. It ends up with too many n's in it. I would love to pass down my middle name and even though it was a man's first name a long time ago, I'm not sure I want to give it to a son. The Bean family has mostly boys in it. In fact my sister-in-law is the only blood-related girl in it! (To my knowledge anyway, lol.) We've also discovered that our grandparents have twins in their line. The two boy names we really like would be soooooo cute as twins but I'm really not sure I could handle that! And I think we might lose a babysitter or two if that happened!
On to Brendan news...
He is adorable. Recently getting him to sleep has been so much easier and nicer and completely against what the Sleep Lady book would recommend. Lol. But he wakes up so much happier, usually.
His word list continues to grow too:
Lala (not a word but it means The Lorax, lol)
Up (this just means the movie right now, not the direction)
He's still loving his Mother's Day Out program. He now has 6 kids in his class including 1 girl. Poor thing, hope those boys aren't beating up on her! Brendan keeps making beautiful art projects for us (with lots of help from Ms. Linda I'm sure!).
And now, finally, here is a slideshow to catch up on some 2009 pictures. I am going to do a separate post to catch up on the professional pics. A slide show just wouldn't do them justice :-)