It's adorable and we love it. Plus it had a beanbag shaped like a car! So his room is almost completely ready for move-in now. He's staying with his Nana and Papaw tonight so I was a little sad after putting him in his crib last night :-( He's growing up fast!
Brendan is adding new words all the time. I hope I can keep up! This morning he said tall. He's also started saying flower although it sounds more like fwow right now. Baby is another new one.
And now... the revealing of baby sister's name...
Kaylee Halon
I looked up the meaning of Kaylee and of course the names Kay and Lee form it. Kay is the short form of Katherine which is English (feminine) and means "pure". Lee is English (masculine & feminine) and means "meadow". I thought that was sweet. I've never been able to locate a meaning of the name Halon but I found a Welsh (masculine) name Heilyn and the meaning of it is "winebearer". So I thought it was funny that I'm (possibly) "Fair Winebearer" and Kaylee will be "Pure Meadow Winebearer". Like mother, like daughter? Lol. Another name close to Halon was Heulwen and it's also Welsh (feminine) and means "sunshine". Another close one is Halina which is the Polish form of Galina which is the Russian and Bulgarian form of Galen or Galenos which means "calm". These all came from www.behindthename.com in case you're curious.
That's all I've got for now. Hope everyone has a relaxing or productive holiday weekend (whichever you prefer)! I hope to have a combination of the two.
But which Beatle was named Kaylee? ;)
Can't wait to meet her! I mean, she should stay in as long as necessary, and THEN I can't wait to meet her!
Oh, and duh, what I realized later was - in hebrew, "Kaylee" is a way of saying "my God," (we use the k- sound for changing God's name into something for 'everyday' use, like a lot of people write G-d instead of God).
Example, psalm 22 - "My god" there is "ay-lee", but we pronounce it in songs and such as "kay-lee."
Cool, huh??
Lol. I'll make sure to not tell her the Hebrew meaning... especially when she's a teenager! Don't wanna give her a big head. That is cool though.
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