Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Behind on Brendan News

We got a new camera recently and it is amazing and takes much better pics of our active toddler. So there will be new pics and video ASAP.

Brendan got his first haircut this weekend. Brent was on call on Saturday and we've been wanting to take him, so we decided there was no time like the present. People had recommended Cool Cuts to us and their website looked fun and they take walk-ins. I will NEVER recommend this place to anyone. It was awful. First off, the lady who waited on us had a thick hispanic accent (that we could barely understand) and looked pissed off from the moment we walked in. She definitely did not look excited and even though we told her it was Brendan's first haircut, she made no fuss about it and did not try to calm him or reassure him at all. I might be slightly exaggerating, but I'm frustrated. They have cars for the little kids to sit in and the car he was in had a huge rust spot on it. The place did look a little run down. They have little TVs for the kids to watch movies on too. Well she put in the one we picked and didn't fast forward past the previews so he cried through the previews and then finally calmed down once the movie came on. I would write the company an email but they'd probably just offer free haircuts and I don't ever want to use them again.

He looks handsome and we got through it ($18 dollars later, grr). Should've held out for Disney World! Maybe with the next kiddo.

On to cuter news. Brendan continues to have whole conversations with the air, with his toys, and even sometimes with us that we don't understand! It is adorable though. And you can tell that he's starting to pretend more too. He likes pretty much any Disney or Pixar movie you put in for him to watch. Cars is definitely his favorite right now though. One of his new favorite words is stand. Which he will proclaim loudly with his index finger raised high in the air when he is standing on the couch or bed. I'm trying to think of other new words. He loves to read his books to himself. You can tell he's really been paying attention too. Especially with books where there are animals and I've made the sounds. The cutest one is The Very Busy Spider.

I don't think Brendan has any idea that he's gonna be a big brother. I just don't think he has any reference point to know what that means for him. Poor baby, it's probably gonna rock his world at first. He's really good with his cousin Blake even though he tries to pick him up, lol. We're getting closer to putting him in his big boy bed. I'm looking forward to that but also nervous about the freedom he'll have without the crib. We just need to find a bedding set and a dresser and he'll be good to go. I'll probably move everything into his new room one Saturday when he's at Nana and Papaw's and go get him before naptime. That way I can put him in there when I get him to sleep and he'll wake up in his big boy bed.

The other thing I keep debating about is if I want to keep a monitor in his new room. Tough decision since his room is upstairs and we're downstairs most of the time. He can't open doorknobs yet (at least at our house) and he does wake up at pretty much the same time every day.

That's it for now.

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