Enjoy these adorable pictures and the videos. The videos are taking forever to load!!! But I'll post some more when I get a chance. It's tax season now so posting will get even more sporadic I'm afraid. Oh, and yes... in one of the pics above, you'll notice a little bit of me on the side. They had me sit there in case Brendan fell over, lol.
The first video is just us hanging out and playing with Grandma. The second is Brendan opening up his Christmas pajamas from Aunt Shannon with my help. The third is opening Christmas Eve presents at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma wrapped his presents in blankets so he wouldn't eat the paper... it didn't stop him from grabbing our paper, tissue, ribbon, etc. and playing with it!
Brendan is growing so much. I can't believe how big he is. He's eating so much food now and we had to start supplementing with formula cause I just wasn't giving him enough. But it's okay cause he doesn't seem to have even noticed. We've even switched to Parent's Choice formula from Similac Advanced and he didn't notice. One of our friends told us (after she did a ton of research) that it's the exact same stuff and it's soooooooooooo much cheaper. Gotta love Walmart brands!
Brendan is crawling but he prefers to pull up to standing or sit and play in his playpen. That is until the kitty comes walking by... then he zooms after her. He loves playing with Jordan! Though the other day I had to take him away from her cause he was getting a little too rough and she started nipping at him. We still just have the two bottom teeth. It seems like more are gonna come in any day now but who knows? Brendan will be 8 months old tomorrow!
Registration for Children's Day Out (Miriam: kinda like SRoch's gan I'm guessing?) started this week. We're debating if we're gonna enroll Brendan. It meets one or two days a week, you get to choose how many days. It starts in August. I hate that I have to make this decision now since who knows what life is gonna be like then but I really like the idea of him getting some social interaction with other kids. His life up till now has revolved around adults, poor baby. Our Sunday School class has started doing play dates but I can't convince Brent that it's okay for Dads to go to play dates, lol. Maybe they'll do a Saturday one this summer and I'll go. Ahh... the joys of being a working Mom! That's all for now, I think!
1 comment:
Okay, now I'm crying! I think it was hearing Paw's voice on the last video...
Anyway, he's totally delicious!! Isn't this a yummy age? The professional pictures are GORGEOUS - you have to tell us where to go, since we're finally going to take the girlies to have REAL pictures done when we're in Houston.
I miss all you people so much!!!!!
I always felt bad for babies opening presents - first you tell them never to rip papers in the house, like bills.. and then you make them rip open boxes! But only SOME boxes! Too complicated. :)
It's funny that it's called "Children's Day Out" - when I was a baby, it was "Mother's Day Out" ! Gan is actually preschool - this is more like day care, I would imagine. I will tell you that Sarah Rochel never had any stranger anxiety, something I attribute greatly to her having been with so many kids (and adults) from such a young age. And since tonight Yoav just registered Sroch for next September, I totally know how you feel!
I can't wait to see you!
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