Monday, March 23, 2009

Ugh! Tax Season!

So I know that I am waaaaaaaaaaay behind in blogging. It's tax season... nuff said!

Just some quick thoughts.

Brendan is so big! I finally got to go to an appointment again for his 9 month checkup. He is 27 inches long, 19.4 pounds, and his head size jumped from the 72nd percentile to the 95th! His pediatrician asked us... do you have big heads? Brent apparently does (after a quick measuring comparison between the doc's head and his) and my mom says big heads run on our side as well. Who knew?

We are chasing Brendan all over the place now. He crawls VERY fast! Especially when he's going after the kitty or a favorite toy. He's babbling all the time now too. We had quite a conversation this morning in fact. Hehe. I can't wait for the first time he calls one of us mommy or daddy. One of Brendan's favorite activities right now is standing next to our ottoman and banging on it like a drum. And when we drum back... he laughs so hard.

So after a month or so with just 2 teeth, Brendan is now working on tooth number 5. He's eating really well and we're gonna start making a push towards "table" food (aka, not the mushy stuff in jars that he's eating currently). His favorite food right is sweet potatoes and anything with fruit. He'll eat meats but he likes them best with sweet potatoes, lol. He also loves the Gerber Graduate puffs (sweet potato, of course, and apple cinnamon). You have to be careful about how many you put on his tray though. If you put 10 down, he'll try to pick up all 10 and shove them all in his mouth at once!

Since he's "talking" to me now... he said he's excited about meeting his 2nd (? I can never remember... time to go look it up on the family tree website again) cousins from Israel. I can't wait either!

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