Sunday, June 14, 2009

Aunt Krystal's Wedding and other cuteness

Our Piano Man, hehe.

I thought I'd let him play in a diaper box and he did this and decided he didn't like boxes.

Playing in the entryway

These next few photos are all ones Brent took of sleepy Brendan

3 generations of Beans in tuxes.

Silly Brendan

Mommy and Brendan

Grandma and Brendan

Brendan has some big shoes to fill!

Brendan was getting sleepy before the wedding started. This is Brent's cousin Brian.

Great Uncle Ronnie brought Papaw a talking birthday card which quickly became Brendan's toy. He kept opening and closing it so we heard the first 2 words over and over and over...

Brendan finally crashed after the ceremony. We had been there since Noon and this was about 3 o'clock.

Uncle Pat is holding Brendan for the garter toss, hehe.

Brendan found a friend.

Then he chased her around the reception hall.

Video 1 is our Piano Man in action, 2 is our little drummer boy, 3 is practicing waving, and 4 is Brendan the Lion Tamer.

Brendan has no desire to walk right now. He does really well when you hold his hands and will sometimes walk when you hold just one hand. He's getting better and standing without support too. And if you push something he can hang onto, he'll walk along. No words yet either but lots of sounds. And he has his first cold right now :-( I hope he gets over it before his party next weekend. I cannot believe a) that he's almost a year old and b) that we almost made it a year without a cold. I'm hoping that means that he got his Daddy's immune system! That's about it for now. I'm hoping to do a post soon to catch up on all of the professional pics.

1 comment:

Miriam the Mommy said...

Sarah Rochel says to tell you about the videos, "I liked it. We don't have a cat in OUR house. Yeah, that's silly to have a cat inside!" (Keep in mind, Israel has cats like America has squirrels - they are wild, prevalent and dig through garbage.)

Hee hee, my word verification is 'catio' !