Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So I worked from home today because I had to stay with Brendan. Lol, that made it sound like I didn't want to. Not true! I had a great time today. We've been walking with Brendan while he holds onto one or both of our hands and he's been doing really well. Today I held his hands and then let go and he was taking a step or so but nothing major. I tell Brent this when he gets home and he's like ooh, get down on the floor and let's see if he'll do it again. So we sit on the floor Brent holds Brendan up and lets go... Brendan takes 5 steps! We were so excited. So we try again and again and again and he keeps taking steps between us. Then he got tired the instant we took out the camera to tape him doing it. We call everyone of course. Shannon comes over later and we show her. I got out the camera and here it is ladies and gentlemen... the video of Brendan taking steps! Enjoy!

Oh, and sorry about the switching back and forth from sideways to upright on the video. I was trying to tape and watch and catch the baby boy, hehe.

1 comment:

Miriam the Mommy said...

HURRAY!!! What a fun BIRTHDAY PRESENT!! Happy birthday little man! Wow, a year ago your mother was recovering from labor - been a very long, very short year, right??? Happy, happy birthday to all the Beans!