Saturday, May 2, 2009

Warning... this post will be long

Brendan and his Great-Mamaw.

Brendan with Grandma and me and Grandpa in the background at Brendan's first car show!

A big toothless grin. Man... I really am behind with posting these!

Sitting in a truck with Grandpa.

This was one of the neatest cars we saw that day.

Brendan passed out in his playpen.

Playing with his piano. Which by the way, he's gotten very good at since Uncle Matthew showed him how to play a real one recently!

Playing with Jordan on our new couch (new in January that is). Jordan was not amused.

I thought this was a funny face. We are doing much better without our pacifier these days. He really only needs it for sleeping but if he sees it during the day he grabs for it immediately.

Soon after this picture, I decided to retire this toy. It's really sad... he's getting so big!

Our son likes to lick our walls...

Brendan in another one of Daddy's baby outfits. This one says Little Slugger on it.

I keep trying to get Brendan to swing the bat at his baseball toy. We're almost there!

Too cute. And the blur in the front is Jordan, the kitty.

What did I do?! (I have a feeling this will be the theme of pics of Brendan for the next, oh, 17 years!

I think this was taken in February or March... he can't stand under the table anymore.

Ooo... TV. He was probably watching Mickey.

Brendan's first Easter! Isn't he cute?! I was proud I got us both ready for church since Daddy was working. But Aunt Shannon did spend the night so she helped us out a lot!

Playing at Grandma's house on Easter Sunday.

Another of Daddy's VERY 80's outfits. Actually, this one could've passed for 70's I think.

Another Daddy shirt and a great toothy grin.

Daddy was playing dress-up with Brendan this day... can ya tell? This was one of Daddy's sweaters.

Brendan fell asleep shortly after this was taken.

Playing with his car at Grandma's house. We were cracking up because he'll put both hands on the wheel, he'll play with the "mirrors", put his hand on the gear shift, and talk on his cell phone. The things toys teach our children...

Having fun with Uncle Matthew! The Rockets were playing one night when we were over and Brendan was playing. All of a sudden everyone cheered at something (I wasn't paying attention... not a basketball fan) and Matthew tends to be quite loud when he cheers. It startled Brendan and he just stared at Matthew. He went to pick Brendan up and Brendan started bawling. Poor baby... Uncle Matthew scared him. It was pretty funny though :-)
Okay, now the videos! These first 3 are attempts to show Brendan pulling up to standing. Note that the old couch is there so this is late December or early January. The next video is Brendan laughing histerically at the kitty. He loves animals! And finally, a much more recent video, is Brendan clapping! Our future drum major.
Brendan has 6 teeth now, at least that's all I can see. He is also getting so close to standing without support. He will for a few seconds sometimes but it's usually when he is mad or frustrated or after something he really wants. He's getting his 10 month pictures taken today. I need to post 8 and 9. We counted his pictures with his cousins (once removed? I keep forgetting to check... but my cousin's daughters) as his 9 month ones cause we were VERY busy that month. June is going to be a crazy month. Brent's sister is getting married June 6th, Brendan's birthday is the 18th, mine is the 24th, there's a possible trip to Corpus one weekend, and of course Father's Day is in there too. I will TRY to keep this more up-to-date. Though I would expect the same lack of posts next tax season. When you're working close to 60 hours per week, that's just what happens. I think that's all for now!


Miriam the Mommy said...

I had a little comment on every picture, but since most of them were 'awww' it kinda seemed silly to write that every time. :) His clapping made me want to, um, clap - it's SO CUTE! I remember Sroch didn't clap for the longest time, and you know how we mothers get about these things... (Like now Llama hasn't crawled yet, when by this age Sroch had been crawling for almost two whole weeks! ;)

Anyway, he's precious and wonderful!

Did you see the JCPenny site with the formal pics on it? said...

Hey, thanks for the comment on my post yesterday at SCL. It's great having readers add to the conversation.

Know that my blog is a safe place to talk about life's more trivial matters. That's what we do best over there. Everyone needs a break from the serious, right? Keep the comments coming!