Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Ultrasound

Everything looks perfect. We went and got the ultrasounds, saw the blob which will be our beautiful baby and saw his/her heartbeat. It was amazing. We have pictures and are showing everyone like good proud parents should. (ex "Here, look at my blob. Isn't it the most beautiful blob you've ever seen.") The doctor said it was attached at the right spot, the right size (6 mm. the width of 2 nickles stacked together) and looking perfect. Couldn't ask for more. I will try and get the picture of our blob up for all the world to admire and comment on how cute it is. :) I'm sure my very smart wife could figure it out but until then....it is just me rambling.


Unknown said...

That's the best looking Blob I've ever seen. You two deserve only the best!!
Praying God's blessings on all THREE of you!!

Miriam the Mommy said...

Isn't technology totally amazing?

Because I was high risk, for the first few months I had weekly ultrasounds (sometimes more often), and it was so strange after my daughter was born knowing I'd never see her little bones and heartbeat again!

We used to call our ultrasound days "Picture Day" !