For those who are new to this whole baby thing... on the right hand side of that big black area... is our baby! It's feet are touching the right-hand side. And there's a little black circle underneath it and that's the yolk sack... so I'm told. They told us that in this picture (which was taken on 11/5/07 by the way) the baby is as long as two nickels stacked together. Can you believe that?! It's so tiny. We were looking at a poster in the doctor's office and the difference in size between now and the one we'll take December 14th is amazing. It's actually making me kinda nervous... cause that weekend is the musical at the church... and I don't think the pants of the costume (uniform, whatever you wanna call it) are gonna fit me! But anyways, enjoy the picture of our little teeny tiny baby! By the way... everyone thinks it's going to be a boy. We all just have a feeling. I keep calling it a "he" too.
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