Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I have got to start being better about posting. Even if there aren't any pics to go along with it.

October was a crazy month, so was November. Halloween was fun. Brendan's R2-D2 costume was supposed to be "toddler" sized. However, our son's HUGE head did not fit in the costume without us taking scissors to it. We really should've cut it more than we did, but I was afraid it would rip. So we made him miserable getting him in and out of the costume. We went to a friend's sons' birthday party. That was really fun even though it was really hot outside. Brendan had so much fun watching the older boys run around. We had to quickly move him out of their paths a couple of times! That night we went trick or treating at the parking lot of my parents' church. They called it Trunk or Treat and had cars all decorated and people handing out candy. Poor Brendan couldn't have any of it, but he didn't seem to care. Their church is also where he goes to Mother's Day Out so when we put him down to walk, he sprinted towards his classroom. Silly boy!

Brendan has still been sick pretty much non-stop. I think part of the problem has been teething. He now has a total of 13 teeth! Though now we're wondering if he's having stomach issues because his appetite has been awful the past week or so. I keep thinking this has just been teething but now I'm starting to wonder. He's been miserable too. He cries at the drop of a hat and has had a lot of gas. I'm thinking a low dairy diet might be what we try next. We really do feed him a lot of dairy. Especially when we eat out, which we've been doing a lot recently too. Guess it's time to get more chicken fingers instead of cheese quesadillas, grilled cheese, and cheese pizza, lol. I read that toddlers are only supposed to have 2 - 3 servings of dairy a day.

The Renaissance Fair was awesome as usual. But much more fun since we had a HUGE group who all dressed up! The toddler had fun staying with Nana and Papaw. Probably a good thing because the weather was pretty miserable most of the day. I had started feeling sick Friday before we went on Saturday and by the end of Saturday, I felt really bad. I ended up staying home for the 3-day work week before Thanksgiving.

Me and Aunt Shannon cooked for Thanksgiving (Grandpa and Brent helped too!). And everyone enjoyed it except for Brendan. He didn't get eat much at all cause he was tired and cranky.

So I'm hoping we can fix the poor toddler boy so he can start eating more again. He has been soooooooo fussy. It's sad :-(

Okay, can't end on a sad note. Let's see... Oh! When you ask Brendan "how does Santa go?" he says ho (as in ho ho ho). Too cute! He gives kisses! But now it's become a game. You'll ask him for a kiss and he'll give you a mean look and shake his head no and then he grins real big and gives you a kiss. He really has the coy smile down. It's too adorable. Need to get a pic of it. He even shrugs his shoulders when he does it. Brendan still is not saying a whole lot, at least not where most people understand but every once in a while I'll catch a phrase I say all the time like "I got it" or something like that. Child language is a fascinating thing. Maybe in another life I'll study that. Lol.

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