Wednesday, December 30, 2009

End of the year rundown

Okay, my end of year resolution is to get caught up on pictures tomorrow so I don't start the new year behind! I can't believe I haven't posted pics on here since August. Shameful!

So here's some highlights of Baby Bean 1's year:

We started the year with 2 teeth on the bottom and now we're at 14 for sure, possibly 15 and 16. It's tough to get him to let me look to see if the bottom canine teeth came in yet. So that's 4 and 2 molars on bottom for sure and 4, 2 canines, and 2 molars on top for sure. Crazy!

Brendan started out the year crawling, was standing by February, and started walking two days before his birthday in June. Now he's running everywhere. This morning in fact he was playing with one of his new toys at Grandma's house and running all around the big circle her living room, dining room, and kitchen makes with it.

I can't remember if he was clapping at the beginning of the year but I'm pretty sure it was close to it. We've gone from that to talking and now to singing! Here's a list of things he says now in no particular order and hopefully I've remembered them all:
I got it
It's good
All gone
Roar (more of a noise than a word)
Mmm (which is when something is good or when he's mooing, lol)
Ice cream

He started singing this little song recently that I have no idea what it is. But it goes like this: "Da da da-da-da, Da da da-da-da" and so on. It's absolutely adorable though.

We got rid of the pacifier shortly after Brendan's birthday and the bottle. I was adamant about not wanting real milk in bottles and I think that helped a lot. I also think it helped that Brendan drank out of juice boxes before he would use sippy cups.

We've gone through a lot of sleep ups and downs through the year but the Sleep Lady book has been invaluable as a guide. I still have never read it all the way through but I still need to be reminded of my bad habits from time-to-time and that's really good. The one thing that has remaind consistent is sleeping through the night except when teething. I'm probably gonna regret that statement but oh well. The toughest part has been getting him to go to sleep. It takes forever some nights.

Brendan started Mother's Day Out at the end of August and has had a runny nose, cough, or both ever since. We can't seem to shake it. Doesn't seem to bother him too much though. He loves going to school and coloring and playing with his buddy Brady and singing songs with Ms. Linda. It's been really great for him.

Brendan's cousin was born in November. Brendan loves baby Blake. Now if we can get him to stop stealing his toys and pacifier, we'll be doing better, hehe. It'll be great when they can play together.

Brendan's favorite activities right now are: reading books, singing, running away from people as a game, peekaboo, talking, and watching Mickey Mouse and Handy Manny. His favorite movie is Up. I have never seen a toddler watch an entire movie, it's so weird. His favorite food is grilled cheese I think. His favorite dessert is ice cream (see above word list, lol).

I think that pretty much sums up his year. It has gone by so fast. 6 months to 18 months have been so much fun. We are incredibly blessed with a wonderful little boy.

New Year's Resolutions: Start reintroducing vegetables (oops!) and get back to church.

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