Aren't they adorable?! I love them. I was so proud of him for being so good. And those are my hands in the last picture. I think that's my favorite.
Oh, we took Brendan to the doctor this week cause he has a birthmark on his bottom that started bleeding. Not a big deal but now we have to put vaseline on it every time we change his diaper. They weighed him while we were there and he is now 7 lbs, 15 ozs which puts him in the 11th percentile. So I think we'll be out of the newborn diapers soon. We've learned that Huggies newborn and Pampers newborn are two different sizes, lol (Huggies are bigger). We love Pampers!
We've noticed this past week that Brendan has new cries. He definitely has one for when he's mad. He also has a cute "pay attention to me" cry. I've also discovered that one of my favorite things is holding him on my shoulder because I can feel his breath on my cheek. Baby's breath is one of the sweetest things in the whole world.
That's it for now!
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