Monday, July 16, 2012

4 Year Checkup

Brendan did SO much better at this doctor's appointment than any other doctor appointment. He didn't cry and squirm a whole bunch when the doctor was looking at his ears. Definitely a HUGE improvement. And I seriously think all the credit goes to that Doc McStuffins show we watch a lot. I really love Disney Channel for adding that show. Now if UVerse would just add Disney Junior... but I digress. But now I feel a whole lot better about scheduling a dentist appointment for him. He would've been miserable a year ago. 

Everything is looking great. Brendan is now 36 lbs, 6 oz and 40.25 inches tall. He is right in the middle on weight and height charts. They took his blood pressure again and it was 90/62 and heart rate was 115 bpm. They also did a hearing and vision test today. I was kinda shocked. I seriously don't know how they measured the hearing test. It was just me, Brendan, and the nurse in the room and she told him to look at me and tell me when he heard a noise in the headphones. It ended up that we had to watch him for a sign of recognition. Don't think that was accurate, but then again, I don't think he has ever had a hearing problem. Then the vision test was odd too. He knows his letters very well and yet they made him do the little kid vision test. And some of those shapes are quite odd. And instead of just an outline, each picture had other lines in it to make it look strange. Reminded me of the art in the Watership Down cartoon except in black and white. In trying to Google an image to show you what I mean, I discovered that LEA symbols are typically used. THOSE would've made more sense. There was one picture that I think was supposed to be a cow and he said dog. It was very weird. So it was a coffee mug, a house, the dog/cow, and I can't remember the other two. 

I do like this pediatrician's office for several things, but there's still things I'm not too sure about. I really hate changing docs though. Today's weirdness was partially with one of the nurses. She was going through our history and double-checking a few things (finally! see Kaylee's last checkup to see my beef about that) and Brendan kept talking to me. Well duh, he's four, he chatters. But she kept looking annoyed that I was talking to him! That's really aggravating. And then later I asked the doctor about his teeth grinding. Absolutely no help. "Just use gentle reminders not to do that." Ugh. What do you think I've been doing for four months?! I've tried everything short of threatening the kid's life! <-- Exaggeration, but it is driving me up the wall! And with veggies, he was all "Well, this is an age where you can bribe him to eat four bites or no dessert." Wow. I have enough trouble getting him to finish the stuff he does like. I don't like fighting about food, so I just don't with him. He'll eat well later in life and when we get past some of these other frustrating things, I might push the veggie thing. For now, he's taking a vitamin and drinking V8 fusion juice and eating Mott fruit snacks that have veggies in them too. And he's growing beautifully. Our doc is very laid back and there are times when I just can't tell if he doesn't wanna be there or if he's just really that mellow. 

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