Friday, May 27, 2011

Kaylee catchup

So Kaylee was perfectly comfortable waiting for her scheduled induction date. Induction is not very fun. Because it wasn't "natural" it made it take longer of course. I think total labor was 6 hours this time? I know, still quick. I got an epidural this time. It wore off and by the time I'd discovered that (I had been napping here and there) it was too late to get anything else. I won't get an epidural again. I HATED it. Made me VERY shaky. And since it wore off, it was pretty pointless. Once things got moving, it went VERY fast. Kaylee had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck but my doc was awesome and she had no complications from that. Also, no episiotomy this time! I tore just a little bit which healed easily. A MUCH better recovery than with Brendan.

Breastfeeding has been so much easier this time. And yet, on this end of it I am so much more frustrated. I've been working from home ever since Kaylee was born. Which I love (and the kids love too). But since that's been the case, we have been terrible about giving her a bottle consistently. And she won't take one from me, at all. So by this age Brendan was staying every Friday night with Nana and Papaw, Kaylee has yet to spend the night :-( I know we'll get there eventually and I know it's great for Kaylee to still be breastfeeding (Brendan was almost done by this age) but it would be nice to have a night off.

About two months after Kaylee was born, I decided to use the Mirena for birth control. That was a HUGE mistake. I got it removed a month ago and I feel like I just woke up. The week I had it removed I felt like I was detoxing. It was awful. But I feel much better now and feel like I need to apologize to everyone, lol. Hopefully no one but Brent (and probably the kids) had to deal with my moods. Poor Brent, he's so awesome to put up with me. I was so anxious all the time.

Okay, enough about me, this is supposed to be Kaylee's post!

She is amazing. Everytime she gains a new skill it seems like she gains 12 at once. She crawled one day and the next she pulled up to standing. Both of which she is very good at now! She's now standing by herself for a few seconds here and there. If she's not walking by 9 months, I'd be shocked! She still has only two teeth but I think more are coming soon.

She's babbling a lot now. She says Da Da Da Da a lot. She LOVES her daddy. She loves me too but she is not near as cuddly as Brendan was with me. She also LOVES our cat. If only the cat loved her back, lol. We're working on not pulling on the cat's fur. Kaylee loves Brendan so much too. She's constantly trying to play with him and his toys. Hopefully Brendan will start sharing better and stop getting upset when she accidentally hits or scratches him. I tell him she doesn't do it on purpose. He doesn't seem to care.

Kaylee is eating all kinds of jar foods now. She loves her NUBY straw sippy cup and especially likes Gerber pear juice. She cracks me up everytime I give her sweet potato puffs cause she attacks her tray to pick them up. She likes veggies more than fruits. There are so many things I keep discovering that she is the exact opposite of Brendan on. Like diapers. With Brendan, we could only use Pampers because of his birthmark and because of leaking issues. Kaylee has probably used every brand of diaper out there. Not sure what brand I'll buy when we run out of our diaper shower diapers.

She smiles and laughs a lot. I am not going to post anything about her sleep habits. I learned my lesson with Brendan on that one! But we do need to be better about a routine with her. Poor kid, I feel like Brendan gets a lot more attention at bedtime. She loves music like her brother.

Kaylee is chubbier than Brendan ever was! I have no idea how that happened. I haven't kept her as scheduled as Brendan was but I still feed her the same number of times per day that I did Brendan. She has the Bean big head like Brendan, but she doesn't bonk it near as often. The last appointment, the doc said her head had plateaued (I think that's how you spell that), which is much sooner than it did with Brendan.

She did end up with a birthmark. Thank God it's not a hemangioma. She has a red mark on the right side of her face that gets bright red when she gets upset. Hopefully it'll fade a little. It's hard to know what to do about vanity things like that. I'm not worried about it right now though. It's not that noticeable.

I think that's all for now. Hopefully I can catch up on pics/videos this afternoon. Then I'll try to be much better about this.

1 comment:

Miriam the Mommy said...

Yay, hurray for blogging!! The kids both sound precious and wonderful and I wish I could see them both (and you too!). Sounds like toilet training is your next adventure, and oh, such an adventure. The best advice is - "this too shall pass" (pun intended) even if it takes much, much, MUCH longer than you think it will!

Don't get me started. :)

Enjoy Miss K - this is the cutest age, in my opinion. Would love to see pictures of them playing together!!

Sending you love from here!