Thursday, October 8, 2009

Summer Update

So I decided it was time to do another entry. I will eventually get around to getting pics updated but I feel like I've missed lots of Brendan moments to blog about. Forgive the vagueness because this is going to be 3 months worth of memory.

Let's start with July 4th. We had a very small July 4th celebration. Me, Shannon, and Brendan were the only 3 in town that weekend! Brent was working. We went to Friendswood's parade. It was miserably hot and even though I brought water for Brendan I think he was so hot that he didn't even want that. I have some very tired looking pics of him from that day. He did seem to enjoy a couple of parts but I think he'll enjoy it more if I can figure out a way to not keep him confined to the stroller the whole time. I'm still trying to avoid getting a harness for him for now. We went and saw Phantom of the Opera the next weekend (without the bambino) and it was wonderful!

(Haha, having to use Facebook to jog my memory!) I got a new phone in June so there have been lots more updated pics of Brendan on Facebook. My Nokia takes MUCH better pics than my Blackberry every did! Mid-July we were having issues getting him to sleep at night (though once he was asleep he stayed asleep till morning). I think it was mostly due to teething. We had also been leaving his closet light on. One night we had a babysitter and she turned the light off and he went right to sleep. So that's what I've been doing ever since. He also was going through some major separation anxiety. Poor baby. July was also when Brendan was getting better and better at walking but not without some minor incidents. He pulled one of our dining room chairs over on himself and it scared him pretty bad but then he did it again! I think he has to do something twice before he learns, but more on that later. Our lawnmower also broke in July so we have now hired a company to do it for us. Very happy about that! The last weekend in July Brendan got to go to the lake house again with Nana and Papaw even though it was their anniversary! They really love him :-)

On to August! Brendan got 2 more teeth on the bottom to make tooth 7 & 8 so he matched again, lol. Ahh yes, this is probably one of the favorite stories from the summer. So Brent had changed Brendan's diaper and sat back down on the couch while Brendan played. We have an L shaped couch and Brendan was where Brent couldn't see him. Usually not a big deal. All of a sudden Brendan came around and was holding something in both hands. It was his own poop. He had dug in his diaper and pulled it out! I am sooooooooo glad I was at work when this happened! Then we left Brendan with Nana and Papaw for 5 whole days. The longest we'd been away from him. And we missed him a lot! We had a lot of fun in Cancun though. All-inclusive is definitely the way to vacation! We went to a restaurant for Uncle Brandon's birthday and discovered yet another thing you never think about until you're a parent. The bathrooms there did not have a changing table! I had to change the bambino on the floor of the bathroom. Yuck! That weekend I bought a fold-up changing pad that is in the diaper bag at ALL times now. We went to a friend's house to hang out one night and saw once again how much of a flirt our son is! Someone was sitting in the kitchen and he kept running over to her, grinning, then running and giggling back to me, then back again for like 10-15 minutes. It was hilarious! We went over there again in September and he latched on to a girl and cried when we left. She was a good sport about it and held him every time he found her again. At the end of August Brendan started Mother's Day Out at my mom's church. He is having a blast. He even has a friend named Will. But that was also the start of the germ bug. We have still not all gotten over this. It's ridiculous! I just bought him a new toothbrush and replaced the air filter (I think I had changed that one other time since he started school but can't remember). Hopefully it'll help!

On to September. Labor Day weekend was awful! I had been sick during the week but got well by the weekend. Brendan got worse and threw up 3 times on Saturday, once all over me. Ugh! We finally chalked it up to drainage and started giving him Benadryl to clear him up. Brent woke up Saturday night sore all over and running a fever. I couldn't get back to sleep for forever. We had an Astros game to go to on Sunday and Brent was miserable. Long story short, it turns out one of his patients had the swine flu and we're pretty sure that's what he had. He was fine by Wednesday. It was weird too cause lots of our friends and family had flu or stomach flu right around that time and we had been at a party with our friends on Friday night. I was so afraid I was gonna get it but I never did! I also ordered Brendan's Halloween costume. R2-D2! Uncle Matthew will be so proud. Mid-September Brendan's first molar broke through! Definitely explained his grumpiness. I think the second came in right after that. Will try to get a pic when they're fully in. Brendan's learning new words here and there. One morning I took him to my mom's and he walked right over to my dad's hat, picked it up, and said hat. He's so funny how some words are so clear and most of the time he's just babbling. Sometme during the summer we managed to get rid of Brendan's bottle! At the end of September we managed to ditch the pacifier! I'm so proud of our toddler. Mid-day naps are a bit more of a challenge but hopefully he'll get better about that soon.

Brendan is still sick. At this point I am getting frustrated with his pediatrician's office. But at least he gets to go his doc tomorrow and not the affiliated docs. Tomorrow is his 15 month checkup (a week and a half shy of him turning 16 months old, lol).

Brendan is so funny when he gets mad. He stares daggers through you and hits either you or himself or whatever is near him at the time. I have a video because it's so funny. It's hard not to laugh sometimes. The other day he was throwing his blocks and I told him no several times. Finally I grabbed his hand and said NO! He walked over and hugged me and laid his head on me. It was sooooo cute! I just knew he was gonna start throwing them again but he actually stopped. He does have a temper but his cuteness makes up for it most of the time. He definitely throws tantrums already. Starting to wonder what 2 will look like... *shudders*

Oh, almost forgot the other story about how he has to do things twice before he learns. I was putting away his towels in his bathroom and had him with me. He loves to run over to the bathtub and grab the toy that's attached to his bathtub. Well he leaned a little too far and fell in. He didn't hit his head cause he caught himself with his arm and I think it scared him really bad. So that night we're back in there brushing his teeth. He goes over there again and falls in again! Silly boy.

One last story. At my parent's house they have a pool table and Brendan loves to roll the pool balls on the table (sometimes he throws them off though, lol). Well he had been playing with my dad doing that for a while and it was time to go home. Grandpa held him on the way out to the car and I went to take him from him to put him in the car seat. He started bawling, he did NOT want to leave Grandpa. It was really sweet. Usually his Baby Einstein music will calm him down pretty quick in the car but we were almost 5 minutes down the road before he calmed down. Brendan loves his grandparents.

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